Complex Rehabilitation
As infrastructure ages, American Bridge performs highly specialized work on in-service cable supported, movable, truss, and arch bridges.
We specialize in complex rehabilitation and demolition projects that require extensive means and methods engineering, leveraging our skills toward the development of unique solutions to the most challenging construction problems. American Bridge has worked on and rehabilitated some of the most critical and congested bridges, including the George Washington, often referred to as the world’s busiest automotive bridge. Just because our work starts, doesn’t mean traffic stops, so we look for innovative ways to reduce the project’s impact on the traveling public, keeping them safe and moving.
Deck Rehabilitation & Replacement
- Steel repair
- Rehabilitation and replacement of deck hangers and joints
- Concrete-filled grid deck
- Precast concrete panels
- Superstructure prefabricated bridge unit replacement
- Steel orthotropic panels
- Composite stringer/precast systems
- All manners of asphaltic and concrete paving
- Bearing and joint replacement
Suspension Bridges
- Main Cable and Suspender Cable Works
- Access, unwrapping, wedging, and wire repair
- Re-wrapping and sealing
- Cable band tightening and replacement
- Traction system maintenance and replacement
- Hanger cable replacement
- Hardening and protection
- Dehumidification
- Steel repairs, rehabilitation, and structural hardening
- Anchorage works including wire repair and strand bypass
- Structural health monitoring systems
- Full stiffening truss replacement
- Inspection traveler replacement
- Bearing and joint replacement
- Demolition
Movable Bridges
- Operating machinery repair and replacement
- Vertical lift bridge counterweight suspension system repairs and replacements
- Bascule span repairs and re-balancing
- Structural repairs
- Demolition
All Other Bridges
- Structural repairs and member replacements
- Deck repairs and replacement
- Hardening
- Joint and bearing replacement
- Demolition